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A.研究報告 >
A1 愛知工業大学研究報告 >
3.愛知工業大学研究報告 .B(1976-2007) >
24号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/813

タイトル: 製紙工場周辺の臭気に関する調査研究(4) : 臭気強度,物質濃度及び臭気濃度について(2)
その他のタイトル: セイシ コウジョウ シュウヘン ノ シュウキ ニカンスル チョウサ ケンキュウ 4 : シュウキ キョウド ブッシツ ノウド オヨビ シュウキ ノウド ニツイテ 2
Studies of the Malodor around a Paper-mill (4) : in Particular Reference to the Intensity of Odor and the Concentrations of Odorant as well as Odor
著者: 佐野, 惈
大矢, 公彦
鶴泉, 彰恵
坪井, 勇
SANO, Isamu
OHYA, Kimihiko
発行日: 1989年3月31日
出版者: 愛知工業大学
抄録: Following the preceding reports, three field surveys were performed to get information about malodor in the atmosphere around a kraft-paper mill over the period from July 1987 to Feb. 1988; the odorant concentration and the intensity as well as concentration of odor were measured chromatographically and olfactorily in the same manners as those so far employed. The finding are : (1) In virtue of the development in the odor source control, the atmosphere has taken a favorable drive; nearly 50% of the odorant concentrations have fallen below the detection limit (0.5ppb), the odor intensities have remained lower than step 2 (the third class in the 6-point system; lightly perceptible) and most of the odor concentrations have ranged from 20 to 30 ou, the rest standing less than 10 ou. To an appendix, a list (Table 4) was made of some of the data in the preceding and presents reports, and, based on it, the relations of observed odor intensity versus calculated one (Fig. 1), of odor concentration versus odor intensity (Fig. 2) and of odorant concentration versus odor concentration (Fig. 3) were discussed from various points of view. Further, the surface concentrations of methyl sulfide at two downwind sites (Table 2) were calculated by the use of an atmospheric diffusion equation and the results were compared with those found (Table 8).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/813


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