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3.愛知工業大学研究報告 .B(1976-2007) >
17号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/609

タイトル: 東海地方における近世曹洞宗本堂の研究(その3) : 大祥院本堂・素玄寺本堂
その他のタイトル: トウカイ チホウ ニオケル キンセイ ソウトウシュウ ホンドウ ノ ケンキュウ ソノ3 : ダイショウイン ホンドウ ソゲンジ ホンドウ
Study on Main Halls of Sodo Zen Sect in Tokai District in Edo Period (Part3) : A Main Hall of Daishyoin Temple and that of Sogenji Temple
著者: 杉野, 丞
SUGINO, Noboru
発行日: 1982年3月31日
出版者: 愛知工業大学
抄録: This paper is the third of a series of studies on the main halls of Sodo Zen Sect temples in Edo period, which remain in Tokai district. On this thesis I took up a Daishyoin Temple in Chita City and a Sogenji Temple in Takayama City, which are the oldest group among Sodo Zen Sect main halls in this distict. First, I restored to their original state so as to understand their characteristics as the main hall of Sodo Zen Sect in the begining of Edo period. The plan of their main halls have similar types, which are consisted of the unfloored part at the front and the main part which has eight rooms at the rear in the main hall. Furthermore according to the results of the restration study of this two main halls, it has been definitely shown that they had originally the straight Buddhist altars in the Naijin room. Therefore, I explained the characteristics of this two main halls compared with other remains which I have already taken up in the previous papers.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/609


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