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A.研究報告 >
A1 愛知工業大学研究報告 >
3.愛知工業大学研究報告 .B(1976-2007) >
15号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/559

Title: 大気汚染物質除去に関する研究 : (6) Ca(OH)_2,NaCl_2 と Mg(OH)_2,NaClO_2 スラリーによる希薄 NO の吸収
Other Titles: タイキ オセン ブッシツ ジュキョ ニカンスル ケンキュウ : ( 6 ) Ca(OH)_2,NaCl_2 ト Mg(OH)_2,NaClO_2 スラリー ニヨル キハク NO ノ キュウシュウ
Removal of Atmospheric Pollutants : (6) Absorption of Lean NO in Aqueous Slurries of Ca(OH)_2 with NaClO_2 or Mg(OH)_2 with NaClO_2
Authors: 工藤, 市兵衛
近藤, 高司
佐田, 栄三
熊沢, 英博
KUDO, Ichibei
KONDO, Takashi
SADA, Eizo
KUMAZAWA, Hidehiro
Issue Date: 31-Mar-1980
Publisher: 愛知工業大学
Abstract: The absorption of lean NO in an aqueous slurry of Ca(OH)_2 or Mg(OH)_2 with NaClO_2 was carried out using a stirred tank absorber with a plane gas-liquid interface at 25℃ and 1 atm. The rates of absorption of NO and the accompanying desorption of NO_2 for the Ca(OH)_2 slurry were in clese agreement with those for the aqueous mixed solution of NaClO_2 and NaOH with higher OH^- concentration, whereas for the Mg(OH)_2 slurry, the absorptin rate of NO noticeably exceeded that for the former systems. Furthermore, the ratio of the NO_2 desorption rate to the NO absorption rate considerably exceeded the theoretical perediction for gas absorption with the consecutive reaction (maximum deviation attainned 117%). Also, chlorine dioxide was detected in the gas phase. It was deduced from these experimental evidences that there occur both desorption of the decomposition product ClO_2 and gas-phase oxidation of NO with ClO_2 to produce NO_2.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/559
Appears in Collections:15号

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