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A1 愛知工業大学研究報告 >
4.愛知工業大学研究報告 (2008-) >
49号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/2759

タイトル: Jリーグ発展への道程
その他のタイトル: J リーグ ハッテン エ ノ ドウテイ
Load to Expansion of the J-League
著者: 竹中, 嘉久
TAKENAKA, Yoshihisa
発行日: 2014年3月31日
出版者: 愛知工業大学
抄録: More than 20 years have passed since the establishment of the J League. The J League has grown while going through repeated trial and error episodes, maintaining throughout the common terms “sociality,” “commonality,” and “public benefit.” This type of growth of a professional sport is a pattern that has not been seen before in Japan. Previously, sports did not seek commonality and public benefit. What they sought was sociality. This could be said to be symbolized by the way the scandals of famous athletes and school athletic clubs are taken up as public incidents. Sports reach their conclusion between competitors, competing groups, schools, and some companies. However, new values come into being with each generation. There is a relationship between the region and a sport. It was the J League that raised that problem. This study looks at how the J League has grown this far, and also discusses in detail the history of the growth of the J League in terms of searching for the reason for its growth.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/2759


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