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B.年次報告書 >
B2 耐震実験センター年次報告書 >
Vol.01 (2008) >
2.研究論文 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/2611

Title: 板厚の異なる矩形断面を有する逆L形鋼製橋脚の耐震性能実験
Other Titles: バンコウ ノ コトナル クケイ ダンメン オ ユウスル ギャク L ガタ コウセイ キョウキャク ノ タイシン セイノウ ジッケン
Seismic performance test of inverted L-shaped section steel piers with different plate thickness
Authors: 党, 紀
窪田, 康範
青木, 徹彦
鈴木, 森晶
KUBOTA, Yasunori
AOKI, Tetsuhiko
SUZUKI, Moriaki
Keywords: eccentricity
inverted L-shaped pier
steel bridge pier
cyclic loading test
Issue Date: 20-Sep-2009
Publisher: 愛知工業大学耐震実験センター
Abstract: Inverted L-shaped pier is often. used in urban area,where there are many cross roads and curved roads. Hence the seismic research works in this field have not been performed sufficiently so far in experimental aspect. This paper shows an experimental research investigating a seismic performance of inversed L-shape steel piers with different plate thickness. From cyclic loading test, different strength,ductility and the energy absorption capacity are obtained depending on the combination of the plate thickness.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/2611
Appears in Collections:2.研究論文

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