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A1 愛知工業大学研究報告 >
2.愛知工業大学研究報告 .A(1976-2007) >
36号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1999

タイトル: ラグビーゲームの継続性に関する研究 : アンプレアブル・ターンオーバーについて
その他のタイトル: The research about continuity in rugby football game : unplayable play and turn over play
著者: 岡本, 昌也
高津, 浩彰
寺田, 泰人
TAKATSU, Hiroaki
TERADA, Yasuto
発行日: 2001年3月31日
出版者: 愛知工業大学
抄録: This research is to examine about unplayable and turnover situations and about the causes of these situations in rugby football game. 10 high school championship games, 4 university championship games and 2 university games are selected for samples. About numbers of sort of play, there are many ruck situations in high school level game and are many contact situations in university level game. About unplayable situations, about 50% unplayable situations are in ruck play and tackle plays cause to many unplayable situations. About turnover situations, there are many turnover plays in ruck and field situations in university level game. There are many turnover plays in ruck and tackle situations in high school level game. These causes are miss plays.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1999


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