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A2 総合技術研究所研究報告 >
10号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1679

Title: 中小企業における技術伝承支援デジタルコンテンツの開発およびその経済的効用の検証
Other Titles: Development of Method for Vocational-Initiation in Order to Train Staffs using Digitalized Manual in Mid-Small Size Companies and Verification of Economical Effect.
Authors: 富田, 茂
後藤, 時政
近藤, 高司
鈴木, 達夫
TOMITA, Shigeru
GOTO, Tokimasa
KONDO, Takashi
SUZUKI, Tatsuo
Issue Date: 7-Oct-2008
Publisher: 愛知工業大学
Abstract: In 2007, a lot of expert engineers of the baby boom generation retire in Japan. It is called "2007 year' problem". The Digital Contents should work helpfully for "2007 year' problem" in Japan. The Digitalized Self-training Manual can be preserved permanently and the company trainee can learn after retirement of the technical expert. Trainee can learn it even after their job (off-JT) to avoid disturbing trainees' working hour. Recently the Internet infrastructure is spread wildly and speedy, the trainee can use the Digital Contents wherever, whenever and repeatedly. In this study, we proposed the effective vocational-initiation method using the Digital Contents.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1679
Appears in Collections:10号

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