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A2 総合技術研究所研究報告 >
06号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1635

Title: EVに導入した風力発電システムの突入電流抑制手法の一検討 
Other Titles: EV ニ ドウニュウ シタ フウリョクハツデン システム ノ トツニュウ デンリュウ ヨクセイ シュホウ ノ イチケントウ 
A Study of inrush current control method of wind power system introduced in EV(Project Researches)
Authors: 中島, 幸一
荒川, 貴政
雪田, 和人
後藤, 泰之
一柳, 勝宏
法月, 邦安
日下部, 哲朗
ARAKAWA, Takamasa
YUKITA, Kazuto
GOTO, Yasuyuki
NORIZUKI, Kuniyasu
Issue Date: 20-Jul-2004
Publisher: 愛知工業大学
Abstract: This paper examines the introduction of wind generator system in the electric vehicle (EV). In this system, the wind power system is made to operate in regenerative brake in EV. In this regeneration, large inrush current generates in the control circuit, when wind power generation is operated. Therefore, the equipment for preventing large inrush current is required in the control circuit of EV. In this paper, the method proposes that current limiter is introduced in order to suppress inrush current. The current-limiting element used resistance and reactance. Then, the depression effect of inrush current was compared and was examined.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1635
Appears in Collections:06号

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