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A.研究報告 >
A1 愛知工業大学研究報告 >
4.愛知工業大学研究報告 (2008-) >
44号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1442

タイトル: 送電線遮断時における直流残留電荷の漏洩特性の検討
その他のタイトル: ソウデンセン シャダンジ ニオケル チョクリュウ ザンリュウ デンカ ノ ロウエイ トクセイ ノ ケントウ
Investigation of Leakage Characteristics of Residual dc Charge from Detached Transmission Line
著者: 酒井, 康裕
村瀬, 洋
依田, 正之
澤, 五郎
SAKAI, Yasuhiro
MURASE, Hiroshi
YODA, Masayuki
SAWA, Goro
発行日: 2009年3月31日
出版者: 愛知工業大学
抄録: Authors once investigated residual dc charge decay time of a transmission line. The purpose of this investigation has two ponts. The first is estimation of reclosing surge of the circuit breaker. The second is estimation of dielectric strength of the gas insulation equipment connected to the transmission line. When transmission line is detached by a circuit breaker, a residual dc charge remains. This charge decays with a certain characteristic time. But this time has not been clarified yet how each weather condition, such as temperature and humidity, affects this decay time. It is known that charge leakage has two mechanisms. One through the air and the other along the surface of insulator. This paper is described the relationship between two leakage current and weather conditions. The result shows that the leakage current of clean insulator is affected by absolute humidity and that is polluted insulator is affected by relative humidity. On the other hand, dark current of air gap is affect by relative humidity.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1442


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