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A.研究報告 >
A1 愛知工業大学研究報告 >
3.愛知工業大学研究報告 .B(1976-2007) >
36号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1146

Title: 三次元二足歩行シミュレーションのための筋骨格モデルの研究
Other Titles: サンジゲン ニソク ホコウ シミュレーション ノタメ ノ キン コッカク モデル ノ ケンキュウ
Study of musculo-skeletal model for simulation of three-dimentional bipedal locomotion
Authors: 辻, 信也
平松, 誠治
加藤, 厚生
TSUJI, Shinya
KATO, Atsuo
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2001
Publisher: 愛知工業大学
Abstract: Computer simulation is useful in order to analyze human locomotion. Advantage of computer simulation is to estimate the unknown parameters. The final purpose of our study is to construct three-dimensional bipedal locomotion model. However, in this paper we made simplified segment model of each joint for human body, because human body has many joints and very complex structure. In our simulation, human bipedal locomotion is reproduced each segment model, and finally they are combined. The simplified segment model is composed of muscle object, tendon object, joint object and bone object. Each segment model is constructed for three-dimensional simulation. Effect of bi-article muscle is also considered. Surface induced EMG on the knee joint was measured in order to evaluate the model. Simulation was carried out under the conditions of almost equivalent to the measurements. Results of measured EMG and simulated myoelectric activity was compared.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1146
Appears in Collections:36号

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