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A1 愛知工業大学研究報告 >
3.愛知工業大学研究報告 .B(1976-2007) >
34号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1073

Title: ファジー形負荷周波数制御と経済負荷配分制御とを協調した自動発電制御
Other Titles: ファジーケイ フカ シュウハスウ セイギョ ト ケイザイ フカ ハイブン セイギョ トオ キョウチョウシタ ジドウ ハツデン セイギョ
Automatic Generation Control Coordinating Fuzzy-Type Load Frequency Control and Economical Load Dispating Control
Authors: 雪田, 和人
後藤, 泰之
一柳, 勝宏
李, 揚
水谷, 芳史
YUKITA, Kazuto
GOTO, Yasuyuki
Li, Yang
MIZUTANI, Yoshibumi
Issue Date: 31-Mar-1999
Publisher: 愛知工業大学
Abstract: This paper proposes a new automatic generation control coordinating the fuzzy-type load frequency control (FLFC) and a economical load dispatching control (EDC). First, the proposed control in LFC uses the output set-point control based on the power demand estimation, the self-regulation of generators which are set an optimal point and the fuzzy control used a phase plane. Also, the optimal point of the self-regulation of generators and the tuning parameters of the fuzzy control are designed with the Genetic Alogorithm (GA). Next, EDC implements the prediction control to estimate that the demand would change in several minutes by using recursive least squqre (RLS) method. Then, the coordination method of LFC and EDC is a pararell-distribution method. Because, LFC and EDC share in frenge and sustaind load respectively. To study the effectiveness of the proposed control, a 3-area longitudinal system which is composed of reheat and non-reheat steam power plants for LFC and reheat steam power plant for EDC considered as a model system for the computer simulation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11133/1073
Appears in Collections:34号

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