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Browsing by Author 永谷, 彬

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Mar-1995w=z^n+cのMandelbrot集合について橋本, 有司; 永谷, 彬; HASHIMOTO, Yuji; NAGAYA, Hitoshi
31-Mar-1987実2次元球面上のある同相写像の例橋本, 有司; 永谷, 彬; HASHIMOTO, Yuji; NAGAYA, Hitoshi
31-Mar-1985終点換算法とその応用永谷, 彬; NAGAYA, Hitoshi
31-Mar-1984偏差値,折れ線換算法および算術平均永谷, 彬; NAGAYA, Hitoshi
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4


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