AIT Associated Repository of Academic Resources >
Browsing by Author 大野, 慎介
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
23-Feb-2006 | Studies on spectrophotometric analyses for ultratrace amounts of metal ions coupled with catalytic reactions and flow-based techniques | 大野, 慎介; OHNO, Shinsuke |
20-Jul-2005 | コバルト(II)による鉄(III)の還元反応に及ぼすNitro-PAPSの効果とそれを利用するコバルト(II)のフローインジェクション分析 | 田中, 美穂; 渡辺, 靖之; 大野, 慎介; 田丸, 貴臣; 手嶋, 紀雄; 酒井, 忠雄; TANAKA, Miho; WATANABE, Yasuyuki; OHNO, Shinsuke; TAMARU, Takaomi; TESHIMA, Norio; SAKAI, Tadao |
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2